What is your wait time like?
We have clinicians with immediate availability.
Are your fees covered by OHIP?
Our services are tax deductible, but are not covered by OHIP. Fees are in line with posted rates by the Ontario Psychological Association. Clients with extended health benefits may be eligible for reimbursement depending on the insurance provider. For additional information please contact us.
Do you provide adherent DBT treatment?
No. We have deemed this to be too cost and time prohibitive to provide within our practice. Several of our clinicians are DBT trained practitioners, but do not provide adherent DBT at BPA. To provide adherent DBT, this would require individual therapy, multifamily skills group treatment, 24 hour telephone coaching, and a consultation team. There are very few private practices in the region that offer this service. I would direct you to Central Intake if you live in the Durham Region and are looking for a comprehensive DBT program. That said, when appropriate to do so (e.g., when risk is being adequately managed, and the client cannot be better treated with modified CBT), our clinicians can sometimes offer DBT informed treatment.